

Take one protein-ligand complex (JG98) as an example.


1. Set the PATH for all softwares used in this work

2. Required python packages

Run model

This is the re-scoring of crystal protein-ligand complexes or docked complexes.

1. Try examples with script/

  • In test directory, there are several prepared subdirectories (e.g. 1e66_dry, 1e66_wat) can be used as examples.
  • For example, in test/1e66_wat subdirectory, there are two pdb files: 1e66_protein.pdb (receptor with water molecules) and 1e66_ligand.mol2 (ligand), as inputs to calculate the delta_LinF9_XGB score.
  • python script/ test/1e66_wat/1e66_protein.pdb test/1e66_wat/1e66_ligand.mol2 | grep 'XGB'
  • The output can be
  • XGB (in pK) : 8.893

    2. One jupyter notebook (script/__run_XGB_score.ipynb) is available to see the calculate of all features.